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J2Ski.Com Privacy Policy

Snow Mail

Your Privacy and Data

J2SKi's Privacy Policy

This policy identifies the personal data we collect, how we use and protect that data, and your rights to remove your data from our systems.

Our policy has been updated (September 2023) to reflect a significant reduction in our use of cookies on J2Ski, as we move toward their eventual elimination - to safeguard your privacy.

No Nonsense Summary

We will :-

  • Collect ONLY the minimum data necessary to provide our services.
  • Use Your Data only for the purpose for which it is supplied.
  • Not share Your Data, with anyone, without your prior permission. *
  • Remove Your Data from our system at your request. *

* Subject to some limitations, as described below.

Privacy Policy Sections

The Data we collect

For almost all our services, the only personal data that we require is your email address.

You may, optionally, choose to provide your name (to allow us to personalize the emails we send to you), the dates and destinations of your planned ski trips (to find ski buddies, etc.) and so on.

What we will do with your data

We will use your e-mail address to send you :-

  • Short, occasional, e-mails informing you of important changes to our site (e.g. changes to this policy).
  • Snow Mails, if you have requested us to do so.
  • Offers from selected partners, if you have requested us to do so.

What we will not do with your data

We will NOT :-

  • Pass any of your personal data to any third party (unless legally required to do so).
  • Send you spam (un-solicited marketing).

What we do with Your Data (Processing we perform)

If you have registered on J2Ski (and thereby provided us with your e-mail address), we will use Your Data to allow you access to our Forum and / or to send you our Snow Mails (snow reports by e-mail).

Snow Mail Services

ServiceLawful Basis for Processing
Snow MailConsent
What We Do
We will send you Snow Mail concerning the ski areas you're interested in, at a frequency chosen by you in your J2Ski Profile. This may include weekly or monthly updates, powder alarms, etc.
How to withdraw Consent
You can pause delivery of your Snow Mails in your Profile, or request complete removal (of your e-mail address) from our database. This can be done by clicking the links in the mails we send you, or you can email us at the privacy address given below.

Use of the J2Ski Forum (and website)

ServiceLawful Basis for Processing
ForumConsent / Legitimate Interest
What We Do
We will send you occasional administrative emails (once or twice a year), and notifications of Forum Topics, Replies and Private Messages if you have requested them in your J2Ski Profile.
How to withdraw Consent
You can request complete removal (of your e-mail address) from our database. This can be done by clicking the links in the mails we send you, or you can email us at the privacy address given below.

Your "right to be forgotten" (Unsubscribe)

You may, at any time, request that your e-mail address be removed from our database(s) and we aim to do this within 24 hours.

When we do this, we will also remove any other personal data you may have added to your J2Ski Profile.

Additionally, if your J2Ski username is identifiable (i.e. it's your real name, or can otherwise be associated with you), then we will change it such that it is no longer searchable.

Limits to be aware of

Please note that the "right to be forgotten" is not absolute, or unlimited. Specifically :-

  • It does not include removal of contributed content (e.g. Forum Posts), except where those contain personal information.
  • It does not override our rights to secure our systems and protect our users by, for example, maintaining "black-lists" of email and IP addresses associated with abusive behaviour (e.g. spamming, trolling, etc.).

About IP Addresses and Server Logs

We will use our web server logs to analyse the use of our web site.

When you visit J2Ski.Com, your IP Address is recorded in our log files, along with the pages visited. These logs allow us to analyse how our site is used, and to diagnose any errors.

Our server logs do not tell us who you are or where you live.

An IP Address (IPA) only becomes Personal Data when combined with other information; many people can use the same IPA, and a single person can use multiple IPAs.

Our use of Cookies

We use "Cookies" (small files downloaded and maintained by your browser) to record session information, or to ensure that visitors are not repeatedly sent the same banner ads.

You can choose not to accept Cookies (i.e. to "opt out" of receiving them) by adjusting the Preferences in your browser. Refer to your browser's Help facility if you are unsure how to do this.

Cookies set by J2Ski

Cookies that may be set on a visit to J2Ski include, but are not limited, to the following :-

SiteCookie NamesPurpose
j2ski.comj2skiVisitor, jforumUserId and JSESSIONIDAllow our web server to correctly maintain and log your session as you interact with our website.

Other information You may provide to Us

If you give us your postal address, you will receive only the service for which you provided it. We will never send out un-solicited postal mail, nor share that information with any other organisation.

If you give us your telephone number, we will only call you in direct regard to the specific purpose for which you did so.

Use of our partner sites

To support the development of our site, we have relationships with other companies that we allow to place ads on our Web pages. Should you "click through" to any of our partners, we encourage you to consult the Privacy Policies of those sites.

J2Ski's Security Rating - Keeping your data safe

J2Ski has operated full-site security (using the secure https protocol) for many years, and our security setup is graded A+ (the highest possible grade) by Qualsys SSL Labs.

You can check our current security grade by visiting https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.j2ski.com.

You can find out more in A review of the security grades of popular ski websites.

If we change this Policy

If our information practices change, we will contact you for your consent before we use your data for any new purpose.

Who We Are and How to Contact Us

We are J2Ski Limited, a UK Company generally known as J2Ski. For the purposes of GDPR, we act both as Data Controller and Data Processor in the provision of our services.

You may email us at privacy(at)j2ski.com.

How to contact us

We can be reached via e-mail at privacy@j2ski.com .

Privacy Policy updated September 2023

All about Cookies

For everything you need to know about cookies, including what they are, how to view them and how to control them - visit AboutCookies.org.