Easy Ski Business Advertising - to the vast J2Ski Audience
Pay per View (CPM) Advertising
Easy Pay per View options for Banner Advertising on J2Ski, from £15 per thousand impressions (views of your advert).
What we do for you as an Advertising Partner
We will...
- Display Banner Ads - provided by you - in a standard format (see below).
- Highlight your website in the appropriate category of our Directory pages.
Rate Card
Banner (Display) Advertising Rates
- £15 per thousand (CPM) - Run of Site
- £20 per thousand (CPM) - Targeted
Run of Site - across J2Ski.
Targeted - to sections of the site (e.g. 'French Ski Resorts'), or certain visitors (e.g. from the UK, etc.).
How to start advertising on J2Ski
Email The J2Ski Ads Team, with :-
- Your choice of graphic image in the format shown below (300 by 250 pixels).
- The URL (web address) of the landing page you'd like our visitors to click to.
- Your desired start date and volumes.
If you need assistance with planning a large-scale campaign, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Banner Advert Format

MPU or Medium Rectangle Ad Format
300 pixels wide x 250 pixels tall
Your Ad must be in the format shown here (known as an MPU or a Medium Rectangle), and can be any common image type, such as GIF, JPG (J-Peg) and PNG.
Example Placement

Recommendations - What Your Adverts Should Look Like
Try to use a single picture and some short, punchy text. This is what generally gets the best response.
Do NOT wildly animate your ads or use garish colour schemes. Nobody likes that!
Our Target Minimum Views
Please Note :- we aim to deliver a minimum number of ad views each month.
Due to our high traffic levels, our advertisers often receive significantly more than the guaranteed number of impressions, free of charge.
In the unlikely event that we are unable to deliver the minimum, however, we will allocate you additional views in the following month.
What we cannot guarantee
We cannot guarantee that anyone is going to click on your ads, but we will work with you to ensure the best performance possible.
Please Note:- You must read our Terms of Acceptance before submitting any campaign. Delivery is at our sole discretion.