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2023 / 2024 Ski Season J2Ski Visitor Stats

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Ski Season 2023/2024 J2Ski Visitor Statistics

Over FIVE MILLION Visits in 12 months!

Where our Visitors come from

J2Ski's visitors come from around the world but, as you'd expect, primarily from English-speaking nations with significant numbers of skiers.

Here are the top 10 countries that J2Ski visitors come from.

'Others' includes 200 countries worldwide!

Where our Visitors travel to

Our visitors book accommodation in numerous countries, and not just those with mountains; people who ski, tend to travel!

The chart below shows the top destinations of J2Skiers, where they book their own accommodation, in %ages of all reservations.

Traffic Growth - Sustained and Consistent

The high quality, organic, nature of our traffic has given us solid (multi-million) visitor numbers for well over a decade.

Four Million Visits in Six Months

In the six months to March 2024, J2Ski.com served 4 Million Visitor Sessions (Visits) from 3 Million unique Users.

In the peak months of January and February J2Ski served over 1,000,000 - One Million visits each month.

At peak season, over half of our daily traffic was repeat visits.

Daily Visits Peak

In most winters, our traffic peaks from mid-December through to mid-February, although our visitors research and book ski holidays throughout the year.

Busiest day 2023/2024 51,9248th Feb 2024