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Ski Hire Company Helps Fight Disease

Ski Hire Company Helps Fight Disease

Published : 31-Jan-2013 02:09

Ski Republic, which operates 40 ski rental shops in top French ski resorts as joined forces with ELA (www.ela-asso.org), a European charity fighting the disease of Leukodystrophies and is itself supported by the world famous French footballer Zinédine Zidanne.

Leukodystrophies are genetic diseases of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) where myelin, the fatty sheath isolating every nerve in the brain and spinal cord, is affected. When myelin is damaged nerve signals don't work properly which can severely damage vision, hearing, speech, mobility and memory and can lead to an early death.

Now some of Ski Republic's employees have got involved with helping ELA raising funds and now the ski hire company has decided to do something too.

Firstly for every online booking made between 15 February to 15 March 2013 Ski Republic will donate 1€ to ELA. Then it will also donate when anyone 'likes' a picture of the ELA charity posted on Ski Republic's Facebook Ski Republic' s Facebook page each week. Thirdly from 15 February, skiers can support ELA in any of Ski Republic's shops by purchasing ski accessories with 3€ given to the charity for each pair of goggles or helmet bought from a range of items (www.ski-republic.com).

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