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Pyrenean Ski Centres Enjoy Bumper Easter

Pyrenean Ski Centres Enjoy Bumper Easter

Published : 01-Apr-2024 04:48

The Pyrenees have finally seen the bumper holiday period that was missed earlier in the season when lack of snow led to limited business in early December, when the region usually sees strong visitor numbers due to a string of linked bank holiday, as well as Christmas and New Year.

Things finally came good for Easter though after long awaited snowfalls in March quadrupled base depths at some areas and allowed the region's biggest area, Grandvalira (Soldeu, Pas de la Casa etc), to (almost) fully open its slopes for the first time, topping 200km of slopes open at one point, it's now back to about 150km.

Catalan ski resorts reported hotel occupancy at nearly 100% and early estimates of lift ticket sales for resorts on the Spanish side of the border topped 100,000 passes. Last year the figure for the same week was 60,000.

There was even a helpful refresh of snow cover with many areas posting 10-15cm accumulations daily through the Easter weekend, with sunny spells between times.
One resort spokesperson told local media that after seeing 'springlike weather' for much of the winter, conditions now resembled, "the perfect snow of January."

Most ski areas in the region will close at the end of the coming weekend, but a handful plan to continue for one or two more weeks, including Boí Taüll which has extended its season by a week through to April 14.

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